ACCESS command ( IRCX )

Owners and hosts of a channel can set an access entry for the channel . Any user can set an access entry for himself . Sysops and Admins can set an access entry for the whole server .

{ Syntax 1 }

ACCESS object command level mask timeout :reason

<object> is the object on which /access is performed . It can be a channel name , a nick name , or $/* for the local server / the whole network .

<command> is either ADD or DELETE , to add or remove an access entry

<level> is the level to add .

DENY will deny entrance in a channel , or deny private messages/notices/invites

GRANT will allow entrance , or allow private messages/notices/invites

VOICE will give voice status in a channel

HOST will give host status in a channel

OWNER will give owner status in a channel ( Only owners can set this )

<mask> is the user mask that the access is applied

<Timeout> is the number of the minutes before the access is erased . 0 or nothing means that the access entry will not be removed automatically

<Reason> The reason in a case of a DENY access ( optional ) .



To give host status in a channel to all members that join an their nick starts with 'A' for 5 minutes

/ACCESS #channelname ADD HOST A*!*@*.* 5


To allow only user Wear to send you private messages

/ACCESS MyNick ADD DENY *!*@*.* 0 :I am not accepting private messages

/ACCESS MyNick ADD GRANT Wear!*@*.* 0


To ban all Italian users from the network for 1 hour :

/ACCESS * ADD DENY *!*@*.it 60 :Sorry Fellows !

All access masks are suffixed with "$*" , that means "the whole network" . If you like , for example , to ban only one server users , do this :

/ACCESS #myroom ADD DENY *!*@*.*$ 0 :Banned !


{ Syntax 2 }


Will return a list of active accesses . Only owners / hosts can see their channel's access entries , and only Sysops/Admins can see the server's access entries .


{ Syntax 3 }

ACCESS object CLEAR [level]

Clears entries

ACCESS #channel CLEAR DENY : Will clear all deny access entries

ACCESS #channel CLEAR : Will clear all channel entries


After you push "Set Access" , your new access will be stored .

See also:

Channel Properties

Channel BanList

Channel Control

IRCX draft